
Showing posts from September, 2017

Media studies bridging : Mise-en-scene choices

Firstly, is a high angle shot of a female. I have used this shot to create vulnerability as she is the centre of attention within the frame. Additionally, items of clothing such as the black jacket cover the face of the female which may suggest or indicate that she is concealed from the rest of the world. This is evident as she is isolated within the frame. Furthermore, the body language also connotes her feelings of timidity as she is slouching against the wall which highlights her lack of self esteem. Moreover, the filtered photo reflects the melancholy mood of the female. This mood consists of gloom and misery which further enforce the idea of confinement. To conclude the mise-en-scene emits a vulnerable and dismal atmosphere through clothing, body language and lighting. Here are some other photographs using similar techniques.

2017 Media Bridging - Notes on Film Techniques

When a film maker shows us an object we all see it in the same way. However, if a writer includes the same object in a novel the reader can imagine the object in multiple ways. In films we can tell so much about an object just the way it has been shot. For example it can be shot from above, below, close up or distant. Furthermore the object can be frontally lit or back-lit. Additionally the object can be moving or still, in full colour, black and white with or without special effects and accompanied by music and silence. The object shown and the way it has been shot can tell us about the atmosphere in the scene, it can tell audiences a lot about the current scenario in the film. The possibilities are endless and so film makers decide on how to shoot the object, how it should be edited and what it should look like in the film. mise en scène is the arrangement of visual weights and movement within a given space. In live theatre the space is usually defined by the proscenium arch wherea

2017 Bridging Work - Essay

I personally agree with Berger’s statement that “a woman must continually watch herself”. This is not to say that I myself have similar values like Berger, but instead, I look at this quote as a reflection of our current society. Although it is the 21st Century and people across both genders are succeeding in their personal goals and career paths it is a matter of fact that women across all races and nationalities do face disrespect. We can clearly see this through the objectification of the female gender through the media in numerous ways. This has an effect on society and the way in which people behave towards women and how they view the female gender as a whole. Firstly, the media has to be blamed. I admit that it’s not pleasant to start the blame game but it deems fit in this occasion as the media feels that women only come in one form. My point is that the media industry has criteria when they cast women in ads, films or television shows and only want them in one shape and form.