Half Term Research

Todorov Structure

Todorov’s narrative theory states that most stories or plots follow the same pattern. There are 5 steps within the pattern. 

1. Equilibrium 
The first part of the story will show equilibrium through a happy start as all characters are content and the order of things is normal. 

2. Disruption
The second part of the story will cause disequilibrium in the story by disrupting the contentment of the characters. 

3. Realisation
The third part of the story will be the characters realising the problem which will cause chaos.

4. Restored Order
The fourth part of the story is when the characters attempt to restore order and repair the damage. 

5. Equilibrium again
The final part of the story is the problem is resolved and equilibrium is achieved which will mean normality can resume again. 

In these stages, narrative isn't seen as a linear structure but a circular one. This is because the narrative is driven by attempts to restore the equilibrium. The equilibrium at the end of the story isn't identical to the initial equilibrium. This is because the characters or the situations are transformed through the progress of the disruption. 

Applying Todorovian structure to a film - 2 states (Bollywood Film) 

Equilbrium : Krish (male lead) & Ananya (female lead) are students studying at IIM Ahemdabad. Although both characters are from different cultural backgrounds they fall in love whilst studying. 

Disruption : On the day of graduation both Krish and Ananya make their respective parents meet each other and discuss that they want to get married. Both parents refuse the marriage due to the cultural differences. 

Realisation : Krish realises his love for Ananya and moves to Chennai to start his banking job. He tutors Ananya’s younger brother for an IIT entrance exam, helps her mother get an opportunity to sing at an event for his workplace and helps her father create his first PowerPoint Presentation. After all the effort, Ananya’s parents agree and so do Krish’s parents. 

Restored Order : Although they agreed towards the marriage, due to misunderstandings they broke up. However, order was restored through communication and so they eventually get married. 

Equilibrium again : After some time, Krish and Ananya get married and become parents to twin boys. Krish resigns from banking and publishes his book 2 states based on his and Ananya’s life. 

Definitions of Key Terms 

Ideology : An ideology is a set of beliefs that affects our outlook on life and the world. Ideologies that are told to us repeatedly by important social institutions such as the church, the law, education, government, and the media are called dominant ideologies. Dominant ideologies are ideologies or beliefs that we live by in our day-to-day lives and often do not question. 

Hegemony : It is the political, economic, ideological or cultural power influenced by a dominant group over other groups. In the media it encourages people to to consent to power structures. 

Discourse : It is the use of language both in written and spoke. It is neither absolutely homogenous or heterogeneous. Discourse in Media refers to interactions that take place through a broadcast platform (spoken or written), in which the discourse is oriented to a non-present reader, listener or viewer. 
